The Tan Yan Kee Foundation, Inc. is the corporate social responsibility arm of the Lucio Tan Group of Companies. For close to thirty years, TYKFI has been approaching corporate social responsibility from a holistic commitment framework targeting education, culture and sports; health and social welfare including environmental concerns; research; and manpower development.
While a foundation cannot address all the needs of the people, TYKFI’s approach is to provide the tools to equip beneficiaries with the capability to achieve, make a difference, and enable them to eventually share with others. Running the Foundation is a very tight and well-knit group whose team members organize, mobilize, coordinate, and supervise the participation of the different companies of the LT Group, and document and attend to the implementation of the events and activities, with utmost efficiency and dispatch. TYKFI has a 15-man Board of Trustees headed by Chairman Dr. Lucio C. Tan and an Executive Director. FROM THE CHAIRMANSuccess does not simply end with wealth.
It may appear so, because the need to survive is priority. But, as we achieve measures of success and material comfort, we also begin to remember lessons of sharing and helping out. I learned this early as a very young child on our way to the Philippines. We were immigrants who knew the value of hard work, patience, dedication, and living and sharing with others—many of whom we were not even acquainted with. These are lessons we bring with us especially when we reach the top and we no longer need to keep piling for survival. Then we look at what needs to be done; not for one’s self but for others. This is also the time when one looks back and sees better the lessons learned from difficult days. People say that building character always deals with hardships. I am one of those who had to face difficulties at a young age to survive and to pursue a meaningful life. Despite being poor, I was blessed with parents who taught me the value of filial love and support, faith in myself and others, and consistent hard work to achieve what I sought to gain. My parents showed me and my siblings that the most worthy success is one that provides other people with better lives and purpose. This is what my vision for the Tan Yan Kee Foundation is all about. In our small way, we reach out to make lives better through education, health services, a better environment and other social-welfare concerns. I am particularly concerned with education, knowing that this is the first and most important tool toward improvement of individuals, families and an entire nation. Knowledge is truly powerful. I had to work through most of my school days, so I understand the difficulties of getting a formal education. This is what drives the Foundation’s scholarship and education-related programs. Going beyond education, we also address immediate and urgent needs for health and social welfare. This brings the Foundation even to very far areas where medical equipment, medicines and health services are most needed. This is also why we respond with speed to victims of calamities with much-needed basic necessities, especially clean drinking water through our mobile water-purification stations. In today’s environmentally challenged world, I have spent nights thinking of water, food supply and livelihood for the majority of our countrymen. I think of my own grandchildren and the coming generations who may not have enough of all these. Through the Foundation and our member-companies, we try our best to restore and maintain existing dams for our farmers to ensure a steady supply of water for irrigation during the long dry spells; conduct crop education and provide seedlings; and educate people on and provide a system for water recycling and purification. I am grateful that in our small way, we help narrow the gap between lack of knowledge and a good education; between lack of medical treatment and access to equipment and better health services; between a decaying world and a healthier environment we can leave to the next generations. Lucio C. Tan
VISIONThe Tan Yan Kee Foundation, Inc. envisions a legacy of caring and commitment by the Lucio C. Tan Group of Companies for the Filipino people.
MISSIONThe Tan Yan Kee Foundation, Inc. commits itself to the corporate social responsibility of the Lucio C. Tan Group of Companies for the Filipino people in the fields of education, culture and sports, research, health, social welfare, and manpower development.
The Foundation shall assemble all available resources at its command from the generous support of the Lucio C. Tan Group of Companies and other funding sources to carry out its mission. CORE VALUESThe Foundation’s core values are development, transformation, and capacity-building.
These values help define Tan Yan Kee Foundation, Inc. as an institution, the people who work at the Foundation, and how they relate to each other in pursuit of common purposes. Partner Institutions