TYKFI partnered with Department of Education (DepEd) and the UPLB College of Arts and Sciences for the training which happened last April 21-30. The 31 teachers endured a 9-hour bus ride from Vigan City, but the trip proved to be rewarding. The trainings not just transpired inside the four walls of a classroom at UPLB Physical Sciences and Biology Building, but also around the UPLB grounds where the air and sceneries proved to be conducive to learning. The participants were also given a tour of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and around Los Baños. Teacher Eloisa B Aquino from Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS) commented, “The activities and strategies presented will surely be of help to my students when I employ them in my class because they will be able to grasp the concepts better and concretize the concepts – that with the games and fun presentations...they will surely love science!” Nevertheless, the training was not all fun and games—the participants also spent most of the time in a classroom setting. It was a teacher-becomes-student setup. In anticipation of the first batch of 9th graders under the K-12 curriculum, one of the goals of the foundation is to give the teachers a comprehensive seminar in preparation for the upcoming DepEd training this summer 2014. It was a good supplement since the 9th grade science teacher’s manual has not yet been released by DepEd. With this new batch and new curriculum, a big adjustment on the side of the instructors is required since they now have to teach quarterly rotating subjects; whereas in the old curriculum they only teach one science subject for the year--usually the ones they earned a degree from. Nevertheless, there was an emphasis on what the students may gain in the K-12 program, discussed during the opening lecture. The upcoming ASEAN 2015 promotes free movement of goods, capital, and people in the ASEAN nations but posts a competitive environment not just for the country’s commodities but for the talent pool as well. Head Teacher VI, Gloria A. Frando from ISNHS said, “The project helps in the nationwide preparation of teachers (for) the K-12 curriculum. It supports the mission/vision of the DepEd for a better and more efficient delivery of services in the field of education. Thus, preparing the youth to become responsible, self-reliant and globally competent individuals.” Similarly, Monette A. Refuerzo, Teacher III from Vigan NHS West shared her thoughts, “Continuous education and trainings for teachers like this play a very important role in our profession. We must be updated with the latest trends particularly in the field of science and technology so that our students will not be left behind if they are compared with other students.” Out of the 31 beneficiaries of the training program, 25 came from the Ilocos Sur National High School, 3 from Vigan National High School East, 2 from Vigan National High School West, and 1 from Solano National High School. The attendees were from various teaching levels, majority of which are Teacher III, followed by Teacher I and II which had 6 and 5 representatives respectively. The 4 focus subject areas are: Earth Science, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. A pre-test and post-test were given for each of the subjects. The key collaborators who made the event into reality are: Director of Institute of Chemistry Dr. Hidelisa P. Hernandez, Associate Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Myrna S. Rodriguez, Research Associate Professor at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Dr. Veronica P. Migo. Earth Science subject which was conducted by Dr. Daniel Edison Husan and Dr. Charina Gracia B. Banaay, included topics on volcanoes, interior of the earth, climate, and constellations. There were volcano modelling, carbon footprint and stargazing activities. For Biology, conducted by Prof. Annalee S Hadsall and Prof. Neilyn Villa, topics were on respiratory, circulatory systems (including a live frog dissection activity), Heredity, etc. For Physics, it was conducted by Dr. Eusebio and touched topics on projectile motion, work, power, and energy, sound, light, heat, electricity and magnetism. Activities for Physics included observing projectile motion of ping pong balls and dropping coins from different heights. For Chemistry subject, conducted by Prof. Mark Angel, Dr. Ma. Desiree B Aldemita, and Prof. Edison G Boongaling, topics included chemical bonding, geometry and polarity of molecules, intermolecular forces of attraction, mole concept, percent composition and formulas, organic compounds, and biomolecules. Activities for Chemistry include using clay balls, balloons, and sticks to derive the shapes of the different geometrical classifications of molecules. There were also discussions on student researching and activities, and science in the movies. The participants were given a chance to formulate sample exam questions based on the subject areas covered. This was led by Dr. Mary Ann O. Torio, Prof. Remil M. Aguda and Prof. Carlo Joseph M. Moskito. By going over the 4 science subjects which they need to teach this upcoming school year (for grade 9), as well as undergoing a slight review of grade 8 science and hearing some introduction to grade 10 science, it is the hope of the sponsors that the teachers will be able to instruct their students better on each of the concepts involved. They also benefitted from UPLB teachers’ varying teaching strategies and advice on teaching the topics, as well as in performance of the different experiments. The 10-day program received an outpour of positive comments from the beneficiaries. “The project will help me make the learning process more interesting, fun, and enjoyable by applying not only the techniques learned but also the games incorporated in every topic. I, as a teacher am benefitted from this kind of project the TYKFI is giving. It helps me modify the misconceptions I had and not to mislead students. Techniques learned, processes gained, goals attained will forever be there. And TYKFI is always there to help science teachers in their endeavors. This kind of seminar should be done yearly,” Teacher II, Remedios Martinez from ISNHS shared. Similarly, Teacher II, Raymond Florendo from ISNHS expressed his key takeaways, “The project helps me a lot. First it broadens my knowledge to the different fields of science and because of this many of my misconceptions were checked. Second, new teaching strategies were introduced to us and these will help me to be more effective and efficient educator. Third, this project inspired me to always be on my best, I can still develop myself if only I persevere. Fourth, the project helps me realize that I need to share also the blessing I’ve received from (the) Almighty to the less fortunate. Indeed, it is heart-warming to see Tan Yan Kee Foundation Inc doing this great endeavor.” Eloisa B. Aquino, Master Teacher I from Ilocos Sur National HS shared, “Since I am a 4th year teacher teaching Physics, this training prepared me with the basic knowledge and understanding of the topics which I can use not just for the K-12 curriculum but also gave me several steps ahead of my students,” she added, “A teacher can only give what she has.” This is validated by John Maxwell’s “Law of the Lid” in Leadership which states that ‘there is a lid on a person’s leadership ability and this lid determines his level of effectiveness. The higher a person’s ability to lead, the higher the lid on his leadership ability, and the higher his effectiveness.’ The program surely elevated this ‘lid’ for all the attendees. It was truly an inspiring 10-day event for all the participants. Dr. Hernandez the director delivered the closing remarks: “I hope that you build on what you’ve learned and heard, and earnestly prepare for what’s ahead. I’m sure your students will learn better because of what we taught. Please guide your students to take up careers in science because teachers influence more than parents. May your students look at science as a productive career. We do not look at money as our goal but quality of life; money comes as a consequence of our good work. We hope you open the eyes of your students to the abundance of our resources and our gifts and traits. Be proud of that. We lack self-appreciation and self-determination. Cultivate that in the youth so open the need for hard work, new ways, and new ideas in the eyes of your students. So, we all live a dignified life. I hope you had a productive session here at UPLB. Congratulations.” The project helps in the nationwide preparation of teachers (for) the K-12 curriculum. It supports the mission/vision of the DepEd for a better and more efficient delivery of services in the field of education. Thus, preparing the youth to become responsible, self-reliant and globally competent individuals. This long-term effect of the program could help ease/solve the problems of the government on financial matters especially on the training of teachers and in improving the quality of education delivered by teachers. It helps in making the teachers grow professionally and elevates the achievement level of the students. I can sustain this project with the commitment that I will keep myself updated with all the necessary skills and knowledge, through the use of technology and other trainings even if TYKFI is not around anymore. The training I got from TYKFI is super. I can use it for a lifetime. I salute this program of TYKFI. We are so blessed for having found TYKFI. I suggest for more trainings and longer time be spent for trainings like this. We hope that this noble program will continue sponsoring training of teachers like this. Close monitoring of this program is commendable. Staffs were so transparent, intelligent, and friendly. Thanks to TYKFI and UPLB. Mabuhay ang Tan Yan Kee Foundation, Inc. More power!!! God Bless… --Gloria A. Frando, Head Teacher VI, Ilocos Sur National HS Basically it prepares all the science teachers and especially those who will take the next set of trainors for the Grade 9 K-12 program. It refreshed, enhanced, prepared us for the challenges and alterations of the education programs. Aside from that there are also misconceptions in science which (this training program) basically helped us a lot (on). These are all learnings that I will apply this coming school year. Thank you Tan Yan Kee! Many teachers will be very much benefited (from) this project. It practically helps us to be more confident and be able to apply the challenges whatever alteration of the school program offer(ing). Again, thank you Tan Yan Kee! The commitment will still be there/or always be there (even if TYKFI is not around). The passion and love for teaching will still boost us to continue whatever we have started. However, we are very much thankful for what Tan Yan Kee had given us. I am very happy that for the first time, the school had offered this act in cooperation with Tan Yan Kee. Without Tan Yan Kee, we will never experience such activity. Very happy and overwhelmed. Thank you very much Tan Yan Kee Foundation. Hope it will not be the last. Love lots!! Thank you and God bless! -- Diana C. Caolie, Teacher II, ISNHS The project is so timely for the new curriculum (of) K-12. This serves as a refresh(er) course to most of the science teachers of ISNHS since teachers are in their specializations (under) the old curriculum (where in for) every year level, there is a particular area (of) science being taught for the whole year level. The long term effect (of this project) would be beneficial for us: the fact that there are more concepts learned / taken, rest assured that there would be (even) more outputs coming from us, science teachers. We science teachers of ISNHS should keep updating ourselves to the new trends in science and technology (even if TYKFI is not around). One great factor in sustaining the project would be the availability of equipment/devices and also module of activities devised for the grade levels. Alternative materials should be used; practice the use of the internet; download some activities and media lessons (video, animations, etc) related to a certain topic; and sustain better teaching-learning process (are some of the ways to alleviate the negative factors or sustain the positive factors that have influenced this program). “Kudos” Great Job! More power to TYKFI. Keep it up! God Bless. --Estela Q. Avila, Master Teacher I, ISNHS |